We exists to Reveal Christ | Awaken Purpose | Disciple Nations

Manifest Life Church - Chicago

Manifest Life Church Chicago exists to Reveal Christ through creating tangible atmospheres of worship, preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and demonstrating the power of the Holy Spirit.

We exist to Awaken Purpose by leading people through a journey of freedom and becoming, creating a culture of healing for the human soul, and providing language and teachings surrounding identity and spiritual gift development.

Lastly, we exist to Disciple Nations by building relationships with ministries and leaders worldwide, intentionally fellowshipping and "doing life" together within our community, and most importantly, reaching people from all walks of life and pointing them to the image of Jesus! 

Manifest Life Church Presents

Manifest Nights 2025

We are so excited to announce that Manifest nights are back! Join us Friday January 24th, 2025 at 7:30pmCST for a night of Powerful teaching, community, and personal ministry! Manifest Nights are life changing!

About our Founders

Louis and Shanea Wimbley are proud to be natives of Chicago, Illinois. They have been married for 11 years and are the parents of two boys, Nathan and Zach. Louis and Shanea are the humble leaders of Manifest Life Church. Lous and Shanea’ are two examples of love, dedication, transparency, and authenticity. They are burdened by the Holy Spirit to preach truth, establish justice, and do good works among our communities.

Discover what’s in store for you!

Reveal Christ

We believe that Christ is the focus of life. It is in Him do we live, move and have our being. We accomplish this by preaching the Gospel of Jesus, as well as creating life changing experiences in worship that allows people to encounter Christ.

Awaken Purpose

Manifest believes that everyone has a purpose! Manifest desires to lead people through a journey of freedom and becoming, creating a culture of healing for the human soul, and by providing language and teachings surrounding identity and spiritual gift development.


Disciple Nations

Our mission is to disciple nations through local and global outreach. We accomplish this by building relationships with ministries and leaders around the world, intentionally fellowshipping and "doing life" together within our community, and most importantly, reaching people from all walks of life and pointing them to the image of Jesus! 

Partner With Manifest

Your generosity advances our vision throughout our city and throughout the world! Thank you!

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